Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Death of Karl Malden

For past week or so various pop icons and celebrities have been dropping like flies. One who may be lost in the fray is Oscar winner Karl Malden. 

The actor received Oscar nominations for supporting roles in On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire (for which he won). Both films are fantastic and feature the late great Marlon Brando (if that doesn't at least give you a reason to see them I don't know what would).

Malden is a bit of a novelty in that he was never known for being the leading man but managed never to languish in the background. I hope his death is received in a similar fashion; maybe in light of the recent deaths of such leading players as Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, Malden's will be a scene stealer. 


  1. First off, this is suspiciously wordpress-y. And how are you doing Emily? (it's Anatole, in case you were wondering.) Secondly, despite the whole celebrities dropping like flies, one has to take it all into context. There are a shit ton more people dying, most of which aren't even mentioned on the news. It doesn't really matter unless a person has had a profound affect on you personally. Frankly, I think MJ can just screw himself in the ass, he's got nothing on my grandma ( she passed away on the 17th of June).

  2. Aw, I'm sorry about your grandma Anatole! I've been doing well, just enjoying summer. I bet yours has been rough though :( I hope things get better

    Of course, I know people die every day who aren't celebrities. But I do think that among the latest celebrity deaths this man deserves recognition, though he isn't the most famous to die. Plus this blog is about media and pop culture, which he is a part of
